Surya Mitra's Family

Surya Mitra's Family

Amit Pandey

Our goal is to fundamentally change the way the world uses energy. we want to change the entire energy infrastructure of the world to zero carbon.

Amit Pandey

Our goal is to fundamentally change the way the world uses energy. we want to change the entire energy infrastructure of the world to zero carbon.

Pramod Dangi

I joined the team last year and it's the best move I've made in my professional career. This organization is headed in the direction. It's refreshing to work with a team where everyone is on the same page and in pursuit of a common goal.

Pramod Dangi

I joined the team last year and it's the best move I've made in my professional career. This organization is headed in the direction. It's refreshing to work with a team where everyone is on the same page and in pursuit of a common goal.